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Monday, 14 November 2011

She makes dreams happen

When Rachel Moskowitz and Julius Svoboda decided to tie the knot, they knew two things about their ideal ceremony: They wanted to get married in the Hudson Valley, and they wanted the venue to be super-special. Julie McKelvey ensured that did happen in an Ulster estate.

McKelvey triumphs in Norfolk Sculls

Eighteen-year-old James McKelvey was the toast of Norwich Rowing Club in the UK last month (Oct 2011) after his triumph in the Norfolk Sculls.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Lawyer for minority rights

Terrence McKelvey has practiced Law in the Buffalo area for the past 30 years. He has served as President of the Minority Bar Association being elected on three separate non-consecutive terms. In 1991, Terry was the first Black person ever to be endorsed by the Erie County Democratic party for the position of Family Court Judge.

A British link with Israel

Some people believe that the historic British people are descended from Israelites. This has been a recurrent claim of some British rulers and people for centuries. BIBTF - the British Israel Bible Truth Fellowship – holds this view and it’s founding was heavily influenced by Charles Samuel McKelvey…

Monday, 10 October 2011

The award wining McKelvey Vineyard

The proprietors are Peter and Denise McKelvey, along with their son James McKelvey who manages the vineyard in Pokolbin, Australia.

Business, sport and university development in Belfast NI

Alan McKelvey has combined business with sport and has been to the fore in enabling the development of his alma mater The Queen's University of Belfast. Alan (L) with his daughter and Senator George Mitchell, Chancellor of QUB.

A marching McKelvey

Russell McKelvey is a captain in The Georgia Army National Guard 108th Cavalry and in November 2009 he and his colleagues made news when they embarked on a march of 118 miles from Toccoa to Atlanta to commemorate a record-breaking march made by Georgia soldiers during World War II who inspired "Band of Brothers".

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Andrew - the man behind The McKelvey Foundation

The McKelvey Foundation is a charitable organization based in New York established in 2000 by American businessman and founder of Monster Worldwide Inc., Andrew McKelvey.

Monday, 3 October 2011

McKelvey’s 1911 Railroad for River Plata in Uruguay

In the New York Times of December 8, 1911 a report states that “The United Fruit ship Almirante, in yesterday from Colon, brought John J. McKelvey, President of the first American company to begin construction of an all-American railroad in the River Plata region of South America.”

McKelvey’s 1827 Railroad in Pennsylvania

 William McKelvey was involved in financing the  building Pennsylvania’s first railroad.

The McKelvey Brothers East Broad Top railway 1922 - 1928

Frank and Eugene McKelvey developed a narrow-gauge railway system to enable the effective transportation of mine props from the forrest to the market.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

The first lady of Montana Territory

Lenore McKelvey Puhek writes novels based on accurate historical information about her home state of Montana.  She also enacts in costume one of her characters, Mrs. Thomas Francis (Libby) Meagher , “the first lady of Montana Territory."

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Jim has altered the way money changes hands

He flies his plane, plays the piano, blows glass, and works on the next big thing.

Elizabeth and After

Carl McKelvey returns to small-town Ontario, to a landscape marred by 'progress' and dotted by monster homes, to see more of his young daughter Lizzie, and to put behind him the legacy of violence and alcohol that brought about his divorce and subsequent departure.

Inside the Crafters Studio

Tasha McKelvey was born in Michigan and raised in Matthews County, Virginia. She now calls Richmond home and creates her garden-inspired pottery.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

The Boastful Baker

Melissa admits that she likes food… a lot.  "I like to eat food, cook food, bake food and read about food.”

Wild turkey artistry

Mike McKelvey carves wildlife but the wild turkey remains his signature bird.

A murder followed by frontier justice

The gruesome murder of William McKelvey, a lawman called Cogburn, and frontier justice… this is not a rehash of "True Grit." This is the story of an actual murder occurring not far from El Toro in July 1892 ... and what happened after that murder.

Monday, 1 August 2011

From Tiger Woods to top rank boxing

With no previous experience in boxing, Lucia McKelvey was in May 2011 hired as boxer Manny Pacquiao's marketing manager.

Friday, 29 July 2011

One Night Stand

Sam McKelvey had a one night stand with Maree Robbens after meeting her at her best friend's wedding. But it didn’t end there… 

Anne’s song - competing versions

A song about Anne McKelvey was the subject of discussion on a Scottish folk-singing site. You will need to be conversant with Scots or Scots-Irish dialect or pronunciation to cope! There are three versions here - and perhaps they may give someone a party-piece!

An ear for music

Berke McKelvey is an associate professor at Berklee College of Music,in Boston, Massachusetts. A multi-instrumentalist who plays Baritone & Tenor Sax, Clarinet, Guitar, Bass, Piano and is also a fine vocalist, Berke has performed with Gladys Knight & the Pips, The Temptations, The Glenn Miller Orchestra, Boston Pops Orchestra, Boston Opera Orchestra, St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and San Diego Symphony Orchestra. He has recorded music tracks for the "Fame and Quincy" TV shows along with Sesame Street and Captain Kangaroo (no jive!).

Inspiring music in schools

Greg and Dean Robert Blocker, the Henry and Lucy Moses Dean of Music at Yale
Yale School of Music Symposium elected Greg McKelvey an Honoree in 2009. This was a fitting tribute to his contribution to music and especially in schools in the USA

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Peace keeper with Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp
George McKelvey was a law man with Wyatt Earp the famous Marshall of Tombstone which features in Western folklore. The incident which linked them was when George arrested a gambler whom he and Earp then saved from lynching by an armed crowd. Read on for a real-life mini-Western.

A friend of otters

Jan McKelvey is helping otters to survive and grow in England. Experts believe that the number of otters in Shropshire is growing and is part of a national trend. Jan is manager of the Shropshire Wildlife Trust.

Digging up the past

Jonathan McKelvey is the Senior  Archaeological Projects Manager with Tyne and Wear Museums Service UK.

Developing museums and folklife

Frank McKelvey has more than forty years successful museum experience with up-to-date knowledge of museums and historic sites.

Kiwi snowboarder died in Alps cliff jump

Mount Taranaki, New Zealand
The Dominion Post  newspaper carried the following report in February, 2010 on the sad death of New Zealander Michael McKelvey from Palmerston North.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

An African romance brings Ireland and New Zealand together

Thomas and Patricia came from opposite sides of the earth to serve God in Tanzania. Patricia is from New Zealand with teaching and administration expertise for NZ CMS - New Zealand Church Missionary Society. Thomas, from Northern Ireland, has land, sea and now aircraft engineering experience for MAF -  the Missionary Aviation Fellowship.

Historic McKelvey limekilns at Helena, Montana

The first Helena lime kilns were built in the early 1870s by Irish immigrant Joseph O’Neill. Wood was the primary building material of early-day Helena until a series of catastrophic fires in the 1870s reduced parts of the city to rubble. Thereafter, stone, brick, mortar and plaster became prominent in home and business construction. The lime kilns were subsequently sold to James Kervin and then to James McKelvey, a former employee of O’Neill. The McKelvey family still owns kiln ruins in Grizzly Gulch just south of Helena.

Looking for water in unconventional ways

Using all their senses and perhaps a few extra ones, a duo is continuing the ancient art of dowsing for water.  Larry McKelvey and Dan Lewis from Boston, Virginia, have been dowsing for 20 years and claim they haven’t missed a good stream of water yet.

From Tsunami disaster to marriage

A couple from the UK who found love amid the horrors of the Boxing Day 2004 tsunami returned to the scene of the disaster five years on – to get married. Lydia Hewson, 35, and Andy McKelvey, 49, were specially trained police officers sent to Thailand, after the devastating tidal wave, to help with the grim task of identifying bodies.

A unique symbol of an Irish-American family’s faith

In 2009 a trowel used for laying the cornerstone of St Helena’s Cathedral, Montana, on October 4, 1908, was presented by the McKelvey family to the cathedral’s museum.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Poems for Pre-Schoolers and songs for dogs

Roaches roaming in your cereal bowl? Yum! How about spiders spinning webs around you while you sleep? Or Songs only Dogs can Hear?

Mayor of Kingston, Ontario in 1878

John McKelvey (1837 − 1927) had a long and substantial career in municipal politics. He served one term as Mayor in 1877. 

It had to be McKelvey’s Victorian Cafe for High Teas

The place to go in Colorado City for scones and teas and a few more mouth watering delicasies was McKelveys…

A World War II evacuee remembers

Derek McKelvey was evacuated with his two older sisters from Salford during World War 2. He contributed this account of his experiences of the war to WW2  People’s War - an archive compiled by the BBC.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Mark’s aim : Mongolia or bust

Aptly named ‘Any Which Way We Khan’, Mark McKelvey and fellow  adventurer Matt Robinson from Omagh in Northern Ireland have entered the 2011 Mongol Rally to raise funds for charities.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Protecting South Africa’s environment

Bianca McKelvey is the Conservation Manager of a major wildlife NGO in South Africa.

Having a ball - every year

Donna McKelvey organises one of the largest charity functions in Washington each year - the annual Leukemia Ball. In January 2011 she marked her 19th anniversary with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Jack’s views on Judgment Day

Jack McKelvey is the author of one of the foremost books on the eutopian fantasies and the ideas which lead people to think that there will be a cataclysmic ending to human existence and indeed the earth itself. He examines the Branch Davidians in Waco and the teachings of the Jehovah Witnesses.

The soldier who came back from the dead

George McKelvey of Maine, was in the US Army stationed in France in World War I. He was thrown in a pile for dead. When he came home two years after the war, he carried with him his death papers.

Vicar Jane’s drop-in centre at Liverpool shopping precinct

The BBC reported recently that a Liverpool vicar has set up an unlikely drop-in centre at a local shopping precinct. The Reverend Jane McKelvey works from a small booth in Belle Vale Shopping Centre one day a week. She says she is there for anyone who wants to talk.

Pioneer arbitrator in labour disputes

Jean McKelvey 1908 − 1998 had a most distinguished career in industrial and labor relations. She forged linkage between university teaching and the practitioner’s world.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Kel - a man of action - and fiction

The Pentagon brass make the designations: AWOL. MIA. KIA. Every soldier with a designation, and no man left behind. And Dr. Kel McKelvey is the man to bring those soldiers home -- from battlefields around the world.”

Visionary recovery centre in Colorado Springs

Michael J McKelvey and Dr. Charles Stephens both had individual visions and saw the vast need for a comprehensive, residential treatment facility for substance abusers located in Colorado Springs.

Ulsterman who led Scots agricultural education

Professor Bill McKelvey, was recently elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a significant award and recognition by his academic and scientific peers.

Telling the story of Vietnam

Robert S McKelvey a former US Marine who served in Vietnam and later worked in refugee camps. There he interviewed people whose stories he collected and whose accounts were published in his books.

Pearl Harbor aviator

Thomas McKelvey, when he graduated from flying school in 1941 thought he had pulled a plumb post when he was appointed third pilot of an amphibious Catalina. A country boy he arrived at the Navy base in Pearl Harbor only two weeks before the Japanese attack on December 7, 1941.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Last missionaries in the Punjab - end of an era

Morgan and Dorothy McKelvey were the last western missionaries to leave the Punjab in the Indian sub-continent in 1971.

Canada’s sacrifice in World War 1

Samuel Wesley McKelvey and Edwin Robert McKelvey died serving in World War 1 with the Canadian army.

Riding out the 1962 Ash Wednesday storm

Fisherman Edward McKelvey was in a boat about 100 miles off Manasquan, on the eastern seaboard of the USA, on March 5, 1962, when the nightly weather report forecast high winds.

Monday, 6 June 2011

The sinking of the SS David McKelvey

The SS David McKelvey was an American Steam Tanker of 6,821 tons built in 1921, it was torpedoed off the US coast in 1942

Leading US earth scientist

Vincent Ellis McKelvey (1916 - 1987) was a geologist who became Director of the United States Geological Survey

Queen's honorary physician

Tom McKelvey (1913 - 2003) was the most senior medical officer in the British Army and held the appointment of an honorary physician to Queen Elizabeth.

Fatality at Pearl Harbor

On the quiet Sunday morning of Dec. 7, 1941, when Japan’s armed forces launched a surprise attack on the American Pacific Fleet based at Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii. Charles McKelvey was a sailor serving on the USS Shaw (DD-347), a Mahan-class destroyer launched in 1936.

Irish World ski competitor

Nick McKelvey from Hillsborough in Northern Ireland is aiming for the World Championships. Winter 2009/2010 saw Nick travelling throughout Europe and Scandinavia with his national coach.  He trained and competed, at times in very poor conditions, but his dedication paid off and he achieved his goal of reaching 140 FIS (International Ski Federation) points to enable him to be eligible for selection for the 2011 World Championships in Germany.

A US Civil War survivor who served in China

Joseph McKelvey was the son of Douglass McKelvey and Hannah Hamill and was born near Ligonier, Westmoreland County, September 15, 1836. He survived the civil War and served his church at great cost in China.

Monitoring wildlife in the Rocky Mountains

Kevin McKelvey works from the Rocky Mountain Research Station. He has been involved with extensive research projects into the monitoring of wildlife.

A nurse and an artist

Winnipeg artist Sandra McKelvey is a psychiatric nurse with many hobbies or more fittingly, she is a woman who works in order to support her hobbies!

Canadian soldier, barrister and humanitarian

E. Neil McKelvey, OC, CD, QC Honourary Lieutenant Colonel was born in Saint John and graduated from Khaki University of Canada in 1946 and Dalhousie University with a LL.B in 1949. 

Monitoring kangaroos and penguins on Pelican Lagoon, Australia

Dr Peggy Rismiller OAM and Michael McKelvey OAM were ahead of their time when they set up a research station on South Australia’s Kangaroo Island in the 1980s.

A coaching clergyman and sports author

There have been several “Coach” McKelveys in sport. One of the longest serving coaches was an Episcopal cleric, Richard, known as Dick, who as well as being a university teacher was a sporting author and varsity coach.

In command of a nuclear submarine

Denis McKelvey commanded the US nuclear powered submarine Annapolis from 2006 until July 2008.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Leading Irish landscape painter

Frank McKelvey was born in 1895 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. During his career he was considered on a par with Paul Henry and James Humbert Craig, two of the most successful Irish landscape painters of the time. 

The church with members in two countries

The members of McKelvey's Grove Presbyterian Church live in both parts of Ireland. The church at Loughbratty in Castleblaney, Co.Monaghan spans the border.

Kiwi cricket record-holder

Trisha McKelvey played 15 women’s Test matches for New Zealand. She captained the team in all of these games between 1966 and 1979.

British politician who enjoyed going to the dogs

Willie McKelvey, a former British Labour Member of Parliament at Westminster, London, is a long-term greyhound enthusiast

Susan caught the quilting bug

Susan McKelvey caught the quilting bug in 1977 in a quilting class in Greensboro, North Carolina. Since then she has continued to publish in this area of interest.

Distinguished New Zealand forester

Peter McKelvey was a distinguished forester whose research and work helped shape the landscape of his country. Born in 1926, he joined the New Zealand Forest Service in 1945.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

International guitar with Influence from Ireland

The Influence was one of the most fascinating bands to emerge from Canada during the ‘60s. The group’s rich diversity of styles was a result of the group members’ wide range of musical backgrounds and geographical origins. The band’s driving force was Louis Campbell McKelvey (b. October 31, 1943, Killorglin, County Kerry, Ireland), who had spent the early ‘60s playing with London bands, The Persuaders and Jeff Curtis & The Flames (frequent residents at the Ealing Jazz club).

Surgeon and racehorse owner

Sir John Lawrance McKelvey (1881-1939), surgeon, was born on 9 February 1881 at Ravenswood, Queensland, Australia.

Dragway - from Chump to Champion

McKelveys will try almost anything and motor sports are not excluded. Jim was Atlanta Dragway Champion in 2008.

Sam the fictional detective and lover

Sam McKelvey is the product of the fertile imagination and creativity of Cindy Kirk. He gets the lead role in her novel "One Night Stand" which was published in 2008.

Weaving a McKelvey fantasy

Ron Weaver, a 30-year-old backup cornerback convinced Texas he was a 23-year-old junior college transfer named Ron McElvey, right up until he was forced to quit the team just days before the 1996 Sugar Bowl when his cover was blown by a newspaper in his hometown in California.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Malcolm - Teacher and choirmaster

Malcolm McKelvey, a music teacher and choirmaster who died aged 79 in 2006, helped to mould the talent of some of Britain's leading figures in the world of classical music; his best known alumni include Charles Hazlewood, the broadcaster and conductor, Simon Joly, the conductor of the BBC Singers from 1989 to 1995, and Paul Hoskins, the Music Director of the Rambert Dance Company.

Explorer of Antartica and North West Passage

Barrie McKelvey was a member of six major university explorations of Antartica. 

Street scenes by Brian

Streetscapes by Brian McKelvey have become wildly popular. Brian is certainly a master of his craft.

First Editor of the Harvard Law Review

John McKelvey was the first Editor-in-Chief of  The Harvard Law Review

Places and titles

The name is everywhere English is spoken!  Streets, schools, a foundation, vinyards, a church and a pub bear the name. Further contributions welcome...

Thomas - Pearl Harbor aviator

When the infamous attack by Japan took place on December 7, 1941, which plunged the USA into the Second World war, there were several McKelveys on the muster rolls of crews at Pearl Harbor. Thomas McKelvey, when he graduated from flying school in 1941 thought he had pulled a plumb post when he was appointed third pilot of an amphibious Catalina.

Paul - the charity fund raiser with the freezer

The Beetles made the ferry across the Mersey world-famous. In July 2006, Paul McKelvey swam the Mersey pushing a fridge on a surfboard to raise money for a charity in Liverpool - Zoe’s Place, which works with terminally ill children in his home city.

Versatile authors

McKelvey authors are undoubtedly versatile and the subjects of their writings are quite mind-blowing. The range is from comedy to the most serious of academic papers. Here is a mere sampling to whet the appetite.